Some quotes to inspire you during these confusing times
Oh, these times are confusing. The Corona-virus keeps us all inside, at home. Many of us do not have a job anymore, or cannot work as long as we are not allowed back on the streets. We spend a lot of time with our family and long for some time alone, or are feeling lonely and long for the company of friends and relatives. We worry, and at the same time, we enjoy the amount of time we have to unwind, read books and clean up the closets. We are scared, but try to comfort others. Yes, times are definitely confusing. My way of dealing with this? Writing, painting and drawing in my journals and sketchbooks!
It was too bad I had to postpone my first workshop about art journaling on the first of April. I was really looking forward to it. But I’m sure there will be another time where I can pursue this little dream of me. In the meantime, I have put together some tips for you if you would like to try journaling at home. Give it a try, you have nothing to loose and definitely something to win!